These past couple of months I have tried to cut back a little bit on the heavy creams, cheese, frying, etc. Now I repeat cut back not cut out. But one of the things I did become interested in lately was juices. So my amazing mother in law recently got me a juicer. And I am so happy she did because I didn’t realize how much my body craved fruits and vegetables until I started having all of these juices lately. When buying a juicer remember to look for the cold pressed instead of the juice extractor (even though this is the most popular). The juice extractor uses a metal spinning blade that works so fast it generates heat and destroys alot of the enzymes you are trying to get from the fruits and vegetables. The cold press juicers keep more of the nutrients intact.
I got into learning more about juices because I would get them every Saturday. I have always gotten the Sweet Beet – and when I say always I mean almost every Saturday for the past year. Nothing else – remember I’ve told you I am a creature of habit. It consists of Apple, Orange, Lemon, Carrot, Ginger, and Beet. Sadly, I have not perfected this recipe though.
But having my own juicer now has been great because since I am not a big breakfast person I can make a juice the night before and grab it and go for breakfast, or lately I have been making vegetable ones for my lunches.
These beautiful fruits turn into this.
The first thing that came to my mind when I had my first sip was wow this tastes exactly like Mott’s Pear Sauce I used to eat all the time!! It’s the combination of a sweet pear, granny smith apple which is not too tart (but feel free to substitute for another kind of apple – the greener the apple the sharper the juice), a little acid from the orange, and the kiwis (fruit obviously not the bird).
Health Benefits: Apples help cleanse the system, lower blood cholesterol levels, and aid in digestion. Kiwis are an antioxidant and help in digestion. Pears protect the colon, and are a good source of Vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.

Apple Pear Kiwi Juice
- 1 Pear
- 1 Granny Smith Apple remove core
- 2 Kiwis
- 1/2 Orange peeled
- Cut each fruit into smaller pieces.
- Using a juicer, process the pear, granny smith apple, kiwis, and orange.
- Pour into a glass.
did you make this recipe?
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Comments & Reviews
Sophia says
What a great idea! I see you are a busy girl with all these books! Good for you thinking about health! YAY!
Sophia says
PS- your site is looking better and better!
Courtney says
Lauren! That looks awesome! What kind of juicer is this? We’ve been looking at the VitaMix and can’t decide!
Lauren says
Courtney it’s an Omega 8005. I looked at the Vitamiz but it doesn’t extract as well.